Anatomy 3 Description

Name of Course: Anatomy 3

Learning Facilitator: Jo

Number of Students:10 students

Days we meet: Thursday and Friday

Advanced Enrichment Dates: Session 3 Oct. 20 – Jan. 16

Course Description: In Anatomy class we learned about Excretory System (kidney & bladder), Muscular System (muscles) and Skin. Also we all made one presentation each to share in our class and it was about what we learned in the whole Anatomy class. We spent two weeks to do that presentation. That worked really well and everyone wrote a lot of things. We also learned about other things too. One day we learned how to use the microscope. We took fingernails or hair to practice on microscope. We tried to put any things strange like saliva and it was very surprised for us because it looked like two different things. We had some games to play and it was about muscles because we wanted to know more about different types of muscles and how to protect that muscles and to make it stronger. The muscle is help us move. Our body has 360 muscles. We also learned about skin. The skin is the largest organ in human’s body. It weighs about 5 kg andit has three layers. When the end of our class we did a test about what we had been learning before.


Anatomy 1 Description

Name of Course: Anatomy 1


Learning Facilitator: Jo


Number of Students: 12 students


Days We meet: August 12 – October 17


Course Description: In this Advanced Enrichment we learned about body. Our bodies have four systems: Skeletal system (bones), Digestive system (stomach), Respiratory system (lungs), Circulatory system (heart). We watched the video about people’s bodies. The digestive system is the system that help to break down the food and take the nutrients from the food and take the waste out of body. Digestive system is very important for our body because it helpsyou to break down the food into small pieces. The skeletal system is also important in our body because if you break the bones you will have a big problem. You have to go to the hospital and tell the doctor what is the problem. We also did the presentation for people to listen because we want people to take care of their health. In our group we shared into four teams and one team had three people. We had to share our position in the group: one was patient and two were nurse and doctor. We presented four things and they wereSkeletal system, Digestive system, Respiratory system and Circulatory system. People usedsome clothes to wear when they were acting. We watched the videos and read the books to find information.